Laces manufacturer
Fantex Industry is nearly 150 years of expertise in the field of weaving and braiding narrow professional service equipment for all sectors of industry and economy.
An ethical and unparalleled expertise hoisted Fantex Industry lace manufacturer and halyard to the rank of European leader in narrow weaving and other accessories dedicated to professional equipment. Whether you need a hook pattern tensioner or a halyard Dyneema to equip your production, you always get products tested in our laboratories and innovative.
Fantex Industry: all packaging products.
All products in packaging for the industry are offered by Fantex, a specialist in this type of products. A comprehensive machine park, linked to a creative approach allows us to offer packaging cord or handle packaging that matches your expectation. net manufacturer, we offer the widest range.
Fantex Industry: European leader in narrow weaving.
With a research and development department, as well as a flexible and automated machinery, Fantex Industry has become the European leader ribbons, braids, laces, straps. halyard manufacturer of lace or mesh, we use all natural materials, synthetic or techniques that require your order.